Saturday, April 7, 2007

Recently Read:
Blackwater - Jeremy Scahill

OK, so I have to be honest. I only made it halfway through this one before I was so filled with hate and rage that I wanted to take it out back and burn it. I picked it up expecting a history of what I think is a cool and interesting private military training organization. Boy, was I suckered! Now I know I'm not the most liberal in my politics, but really, this was too much. It's basically a liberal hate-fest stringing together of semi-related facts that goes like this, "The guy who started Blackwater is a radical Christian - so is Dick Cheney - Dick Cheney was with Halliburton - Halliburton hired Blackwater to work in Iraq... therefore, Blackwater is George W Bush's personal Praetorian Guard which he's sent on a mission to destroy the Muslim world and anyone who gets in their way." Huh!? I can't believe I willingly gave this guy my money, nor can I describe the burning hatred I have for him for taking it...

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